Message for testers.

Hi everyone.

We, Studio Fabrica, wants to test a mini-game for our project “Catch of The Night”.

It’ll be an “in-person, 20 mins” user test in “Classroom A” on Thursday, 9th June.

You don’t have to bring any laptop - we got you. Just be there and have fun. No game experience is required.

Secret: There’ll be chocolates for you.

Please book a testing slot from the below link: (The sign-up link will be disabled after all time slots are taken)

See you.

What are we testing?

Wack-a-cat Game. The aim is to understand:

  1. the user experience - how intuitive the UI is? the controls, clock, and progress bar
  2. do game mechanics work as intended? is the slap too slow or too fast?
  3. how long/short the gameplay is?
  4. any additional problems users faced?


Date: Thursday, 9th June 2022

Time: 12 PM-5 PM
