Message for testers.

Hi everyone.

We, Studio Fabrica, wants to test customization workflow for our project “Catch of The Night”. We are making an interactive animated movie.

It’ll be an “in-person, 15 mins” user test in “Classroom A” on Wednesday, 13th July.

You don’t have to bring any laptop - we got you. Just be there and have fun.

Please book a testing slot from the below link:

Select a Date & Time - Calendly

Thank you & see you.

What are we testing?

Customization. The aim is to understand:

  1. the user experience - how intuitive the UI is? the buttons, options
  2. user interface design - background, colour combinations
  3. capture any additional problems: did users face any than expected & intended behaviour


Date: Wednesday, 13th July 2022

Time: 11:30 AM-4 PM